Is your Shorewood, MN asphalt still damaged from the last winter it has faced? Or maybe the scorching sun faded it to a dull, gloomy gray? Do you have an uneven corner where all the water pools? If any of the following questions were answered with a ‘yes’ you’ll be happy to know Seal King has your driveway, parking lot, street or pathway covered. With the best liquid sealer in town that is.
It’s important to keep up appearances but sometimes doing so can cost a pretty penny. When it comes to your Wayzata, MN residential asphalt surfaces, like driveways or commercial asphalt surfaces, such as parking lots, pathways or streets – preventative maintenance is key.
Your Dayton, MN business or office is open year round, which means your parking lot is utilized pretty much daily. The warmer days are slowly fading and a cold autumn chill will soon stay for a while. Now is the time to schedule professional asphalt maintenance services. If you wait, it may be too cold, too damp and too late for the professionals at Seal King to services your high traffic asphalt parking lot.
You opted for a new asphalt driveway from experienced asphalt experts, like Seal King—congratulations! Your new residential sealcoating (or commercial sealcoating) requires some maintenance to keep it looking new and smooth.
Well, it’s really not news and has been going on forever but this week holds true – Minnesota is a state of undecidedness…I’m not talking about politics or education; I’m talking about the weather. Yesterday was hot, I mean my air conditioning couldn’t keep up hot and humid. Now today it’s what? 50 degrees and I’m in sweatpants! This doesn’t just affect the people of Minnesota, it also affects the asphalt of Minnesota too!
If you own a residential or commercial property in Maple Grove, MN you know the importance of keeping up your property. The list can get overwhelming and sometimes it’s better to hire out. One aspect of your property that should be left to the professionals is asphalt sealcoating.
Temperatures in Shakopee MN can range on average from 3 to 86 degrees, according to weather tracking websites. That means that frigid to blazing hot and both extremes (and everything in between) can play havoc on an asphalt driveway or a parking lot. Pavement maintenance contractors like the folks at Seal King, have years of residential sealcoating and commercial sealcoating experience.
So your looking to get your asphalt seal coated… First off, great move on your part! Your protecting your asphalt surface from costly weather, weight and chemical damages, as well as your wallet; have you looked at the price of an entirely new asphalt driveway, parking lot or pathway?! It’s astronomical.