Our team at Seal King is often asked what sets us apart from other local companies that offer commercial and residential sealcoating services. One of the biggest differences is the sealer that we use for our customers. We use the highest quality sealcoating raw materials and high performance additives as well as special blackening agents to develop the perfect blend of sealer that will function well for an extended period of time. Seal King will NEVER cut corners when it comes to our commitment to our work and the products that we use. We have built this business from the ground up and this commitment has ensured our continued success.
Your driveway is something you may not even think about or notice on a daily basis, but the fact is, it gets a lot of traffic. Your vehicle(s) drive on it daily and you may also park your car in your driveway. In addition, there is a significant amount of foot traffic each day. Over time, between this normal wear and tear and the impact of the elements (sun, rain, snow and ice), your driveway can become cracked, damaged, uneven, discolored and potentially unsafe. Seal King can complete repairs to your driveway and protect it from future issues
Time and time again, our customers at Seal King Professional Sealcoating come to us frustrated because of how expensive asphalt replacement can be. Whether it is replacing an asphalt residential driveway or an asphalt commercial parking lot in Minnesota, the costs around replacing this asphalt can be extremely expensive. Our clients are thrilled when they hear about our budget friendly asphalt sealcoating that can strengthen and enhance the look of your residential or commercial asphalt.
As the blazing heat covers our homes and the summer sun hits our driveways, it’s clear to see that not all driveways are created equal. In fact, some look much better than others. At Seal King Professional Sealcoating, we want your home to be one of the “better looking” driveways. That is why we offer quality residential sealcoating services to our wonderful Minneapolis, MN community.
Are you looking for a reliable, affordable, and professional sealcoating company in Minnesota? Look no further than Seal King. We have Seal King locations all over the state – including Anoka, Apple Valley, Blaine, Chanhassen, Golden Valley, Ham Lake, Minneapolis, Oak Grove, St. Paul and many other convenient locations scattered across the state. Sealcoating is important in Minnesota
Good things are happening in our country. The economy is improving, and businesses are opening up once again. People are slowly, but surely, becoming more optimistic about their economic future, and that means businesses that have been shut down or limited in their capacity can breathe easier. Seal King sealcoating services is proud to be not only one of those businesses, but also a business that offers support to other local businesses that are coming back strong after the pandemic.
As a business owner, have you been embarrassed by the overall look and state of your parking lot? First impressions go a very long way in the eyes of clients, so it’s understandable that you don’t want their first experience on your property to be a bad one because of your worn down, damaged parking lot. You may be wondering if there’s a way to give your parking lot a nice facelift without having to break the bank. Thanks to our team at Seal King Professional Sealcoating, the answer is yes!
The American Dream may have changed a bit, but one aspect of it seems to be holding its own—the dream of owning a home. Owning a home remains a constant in our culture, and even if you are not motivated by appearances, there are still many reasons for wanting to make sure that every part of the exterior of your home looks its best. Your driveway is every bit as important to your home’s exterior as a well-manicured lawn, perfectly trimmed bushes, and a good paint job. Your driveway is potentially more than just the location where you park your vehicles. It can also be the place where kids play basketball, hopscotch
Seal King started out just like many local small businesses. Ben Nelson, the current CEO, started this sealcoating business in Lakeville, Minnesota, and within the first 5 years sold the very first franchise. This was the beginning – a small company, focused on providing customers high quality sealcoating services to protect their residential asphalt driveways. Even as we have grown, we have not lost our focus. We believe that the reason we have been able to continue to grow and be successful is because of our wonderful and loyal customers.