Category Archives: Sealcoating Company

Winter Weather And Your Driveway

Winter Weather And Your DrivewayEven the most durable materials can be affected by the Minnesota freezing winter temperatures. The asphalt in a driveway is no exception to this and is most likely to sustain damage during the long winter months. Considering that the absolute minimum temperature that sealcoating can be applied is 50oF, there are some things you can do to prepare your driveway for the season ahead of time. The professionals at Seal King want to help ensure that your driveway is ready for the Minnesota winter season and maintains its structural integrity as long as possible.

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Top Facts To Know About Sealcoating

Top Facts To Know About SealcoatingAs you look out your window at your driveway, you may be wondering how to protect your investment and maintain its appeal and durability. Sealcoating is a type of sealant used to protect asphalt pavements. In conjunction with crack repair, sealcoating keeps your driveway strong and intact when applied every two to three years. It serves as a protective barrier against the elements and vehicle traffic. Sealcoating also enhances the appearance of pavement with an even black finish. There are a few things to know about sealcoating before you start:

Sealcoating is not a one-time structural repair that can restore damaged asphalt. If your driveway has cracks or prior repairs, they will still be visible after sealcoating. While your driveway will be black after the application, sealcoating cannot “smooth out” rough areas or fill cracks larger than ¼” wide.

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Reasons To Consider Sealcoating

Reasons To Consider Sealcoating Have you ever looked closely at your driveway? If it is several years old, and you look closely, you may notice discoloration, some small cracks in areas and a change in texture. It may look brittle, worn and even stained in spots. As untreated asphalt ages and is continually exposed to the elements (including sun, rain, snow, ice), it will begin to look weathered. The cracks can get larger and larger and become potholes that are unsafe for your vehicle to drive over and unsightly for your guests.

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High Quality Sealcoating Services Near Me

High Quality Sealcoating Services Near Me | Seal King Hot Mix SealerNow that the temperatures are finally warm enough for the snow to have melted and for us to be outside on a regular basis, we can see with our own eyes the damage caused by the harsh winter weather. You may notice that the siding on your house is damaged, you may want to get your roof checked for damage and you may find that your driveway or asphalt sidewalks have many more cracks and potholes than a few short months ago. Seal King is here to help. We can repair the damage done to your driveway, sidewalks, garage apron and other asphalt surfaces and then apply a high quality protective sealer that will help protect the area for years to come.





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Springtime Sealcoating Services

Springtime Sealcoating ServicesThe end of winter is just a few weeks away, but given the weather we’ve been having, it already feels a bit like spring. It’s the time of year where our thoughts turn from winter property maintenance to springtime property improvements. And while you’re planting new flowers and putting up a new coat of paint, spare a thought for your driveway. After a harsh winter, you can help restore your property to its former glory through a process known as driveway sealcoating.

Sealcoating involves adding a thin layer of sealing liquid over a paved surface to protect against the damage caused by rain, snow, sunlight, and vehicle fluids. It won’t repair cracks in the driveway, but it will prevent future damage and extend the life of your asphalt. Other benefits include water and oil repellent, one of the biggest factors in driveway deterioration

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Sealcoating And Protecting Asphalt From Excess Water

Sealcoating And Protecting Asphalt From Excess WaterNow that springtime is upon us, we face the inevitable April showers and the start of the rainy season. This means that asphalt driveways and parking lots will be drowned in a good bit of water over the coming months. Without a good sealant, this water could seep further down into the underlying foundation of the asphalt and create more cracks and/or potholes. Help to protect your asphalt investment by getting the surface seal coated. This sealant will provide excellent protection of the underlying asphalt from the excess water.

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Professional Sealcoating This Spring

Professional Sealcoating This SpringAs the area begins to thaw out, we turn our attention away from snow, ice, shoveling the sidewalks and scraping our cars to spending more time outdoors without heavy coats, gloves and boots. It might not be quite time to shed those layers yet, but one thing that we can begin to think about is what things will look like without all of the snow around. Green grass, flowers in bloom and warmer temperatures are very appealing, but there are other issues that may be revealed when the snow melts. Seal King fields so many calls in the early spring about new potholes, cracks and damage to asphalt and sidewalks.

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High Quality Sealcoating Services In MN

High Quality Sealcoating Services In MNDelivering exceptional service and utilizing the highest quality sealcoating products on every project that we take on is always a priority for our team at Seal King Professional Sealcoating. Whether you are in need of residential or commercial sealcoating services in Minnesota, our team can handle your needs with ease.

Sure, there may be other sealcoating companies around the area offering sealcoating services, but chances are that they provide an inferior product when compared to our high-quality sealcoating services for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, experience goes a long way in this industry. Our sealcoating experts have been performing sealcoating services for 30 years. During this time, we’ve overcome all of the obstacles that you could think of when it comes to sealcoating

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Winterizing Your Driveway

Winterizing Your DrivewayThinking ahead to the freezing winter days just around the corner, what is the biggest concern we have about our driveways? Does the word “slippery” come to mind? It’s quite practical to be anxious about your driveway’s traction in a season fraught with snow and ice. It’s also normal to wonder how your driveway will fare during months that typically do the most damage to asphalt. While you are winterizing your home, there are steps you can take to get your driveway ready for winter. Seal King is the company to call

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Protect Your Asphalt During Winter Months

Protect Your Asphalt During Winter MonthsWe are almost to that point of the year when the weather changes and we spend much more time indoors than outdoors. In fact, because of low temperatures and snow and ice accumulation, the outside becomes much less desirable and even looks different than it does in the spring, summer and fall. We may not even think much about the outside of our homes and businesses during the winter months, thinking that we will have to wait on any outside project. Well, this is not the case…especially when it comes to your driveway or sidewalks. The winter months that bring snow, ice, freezing rain and cold temperatures can also do significant damage to your driveway and sidewalks.

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